Pine Grove Elementary School
Demo existing RTU’s, dispose of units and seal opening as shown. Demo existing RTU’s, reclaim/recycle refrigerants and discard scarp, off site. Demo existing fan-powered boxes. Dispose and scrap off site.Demo, cap and seal existing relief hoods. Furnish and install new GRD’s in ceiling and connect to the installed supply ductwork. Install new VAV’s, furnished by others, w/ HW coils, Discharge ducts will be internally lined. Receive, handle and install DX RTU’s w/ HW coils, furnished by others. New Galvanized duct work. Tie in locations, as shown. Provide support steel as required for SA and RA openings. All caulking/fire-stopping of penetrations within this division. Cutting and patching as is required for this scope of work. Furnish access doors required for your work. Hoisting as is necessary for this scope. Pipefitting work for all VAV coils and RTU’s coils within the units on roof.
Muhlenberg Township Public Works Building
Complete HVAC system for the Public Works Building, including but not limited to: connection/abandonment of all HVAC within the existing buildings to be demolished, furnishing and installing gas/electric furnaces and appurtenances including cooling coils, split system AC condensing units, refrigerant piping, HVAC controls, power ventilators, ductwork, HVAC insulation, thermostats, louvers, grilles and diffusers, roof/wall penetrations, exhaust fans, concrete equipment pads and testing and balancing
Penske Green Hills Office Campus
The purpose of this project is to construct a Central Utility Plant (CUP) on the ground floor in the northwest corner of the 300 Gundy building – this will be existing space (currently being used for storage) that will be converted for the CUP. The CUP will contain two electric centrifugal chillers totaling approximately 1,100 tons, and corresponding cooling towers on-grade near the life-safety emergency generator that serves 300 Gundy by the parking lot. The CUP space will also contain new electric switchgear for the CUP. Chilled water piping will be installed from the new CUP to every base-building Mechanical Room, terminating with valved takeoffs in each Mechanical Room. The source of heat will continue to be electric in all buildings except Building 2A, where the perimeter hydronic heating system will remain, supplemented by electric heat as necessary (as part of this project, the Megatherm heating hot water boiler/storage tank in Building 2A (100 Davis) will also be replaced with two condensing boilers). The existing water-cooled DX AHU’s in each of these Mechanical Rooms will then get replaced with new chilled water AHUs in a phased replacement schedule. The AHU’s will be configured to distribute conditioned air through either a traditional VAV system or through the existing distribution system served by a particular building floor’s Mechanical Room. When the last AHU is replaced in each building, the existing cooling tower serving that building will need to be removed. A new Direct Digital Control (DDC) System shall be provided for the new CUP and replacement AHU’s. As the new AHU’s are installed and old AHU’s removed, the existing pneumatic building control system shall be decommissioned
PennDOT Wayne County Vehicle Wash
Provide complete gas-fired heating and ventilating system, including ductwork, supply registers, and controls. Provide complete In-slab radiant heating system, including piping, gas-fired boiler, expansion tank, air separator, pumps, vent and combustion air intake system, and boiler controls. This includes all controls related to the snow melt detection and supply water temperature control. Provide gas-fired unit heaters with concentric gas vent systems and controls. Provide complete exhaust system for wash bay, including fan, ductwork, exhaust registers, and controls. Provide complete exhaust system for pump room, including fans, louvers, motorized dampers, and controls.